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What to bring:

For the first lesson, just bring a small notebook and song to sing or a piece to play - or if you can't play yet, just the notebook and an enthusiasm for music. In subsequent lessons, you will need to bring along your music, practice notebook, completed homework and any other materials you have been given.

How much progress a student will make is largely dependent on how diligently they practise. In each lesson, Yvette will advise what practice is needed before the next lesson and this will be written in your practice notebook. The rest is up to you - aim high!

Lesson policies

Chinchilla Piano and Singing Lessons
What to expect:

 Lessons are charged at $70 an hour - or $25 for twenty minutes, $35 for half an hour, $50 for forty minutes - and are payable at the beginning of each term. Yvette expects communication regarding lessons that you will not be at. If you miss three lessons in a row without communicating with her, she may fill your slot - even if you have paid in advance. Please show that you still care about the lessons by getting in touch. If Yvette teaches in your home, there may be an additional charge for travel time / expense. Students will also need to pay for any necessary music books. Yvette teaches from grades one to eight ABRSM, Trinity Classical, and Trinity Rock and Pop, in singing. In piano, she teaches grades one to eight Trinity College London. Lessons include music appreciation, music theory, music interpretation, singing technique, and any other skills needed, such as tips for performing or pronouncing Latin/French/Italian. Additional music theory lessons are available in the holidays.

© 2022 by Yvi. Let the music go on.

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